Jumat, 25 September 2015

The Way

Never underestimate your potential in matters spiritual. You are much more capable then you realize. Really now, you have not even left the starting gate on your long trek to Paradise. In this earth life you are merely laying the foundations of sincerity, faith and trust. 

“Consider yourself to be in a training camp, where all intensive training hurts. It is not always easy and you know very well how often you came close to quitting, to then get your second wind spurring you on for yet another mile. 

“So you learned that there are layers upon layers of endurance, waiting to be discovered and tapped into. Each time your faith and confidence in Me as your trainer grows a little stronger, until one day you realize that all the exercise, all the struggle, has given you the strength to carry on. Then you will be there to encourage others who are running the good race of faith beside you, also with faltering steps. 

There are invisible runners beside you to encourage you, but never forget that I, the greatest Trainer of all, lives right inside of you, to place hurdles in your path, but only because I have designed your training ground to get the best performance out of you.

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